Curriculum Vitae

  • 1948 George A. Nikolaides was born in Nicosia, Cyprus (25.1.1948).
  • 1959 As a schoolboy, studies at the studios of Lefteris Ikonomou and Tilemachos Kanthos in Cyprus.
  • 1970 Prepares for the Athens School of Fine Arts at the independent studio of Yorgos Voyiatzis.
  • 1971 Embarks on preliminary studies with Nikos Nikolaou as his teacher, assisted by Lefteris Kanakakis
  • 1972 Athens School of Fine Arts studio with Yorgos Mavroeidis as his teacher, assisted by Panaghiotis Metaxas. At the same time, studies fresco in the studio of Constantinos Xynopoulos and mosaic under Yannis Kolefas. Wins scholarships and distinctions in each year of his studies. Receives a degree in theoretical studies
  • 1976 Graduates from the Athens School of Fine Arts in the ‘Very Good’ class of honors.
  • Since 1977, pays frequent visits to the Netherlands, Italy, France, Spain, Belgium, the UK, and the USA.

Εχουν αναφερθεί στο έργο του οι :Γιώργος Μαυροΐδης, Γιάννης Τσαρούχης, Κων/νος Ξυνόπουλος, Ανδρέας Καραγιάν, Μάνος Στεφανίδης, Νίκος Αλεξίου, Στέλιος Λιδάκης, Αθηνά Σχινά και άλλοι.

Programs has been devoted to his work by Television Channels YENED, ERT ,RIK ,RIK Satellite.

Since 1970 he is living and working in Athens, Greece.

Works By George Nikolaidis are to be found in

The Ministry of Culture of Greece , The Bank of Greece
Υπ. Παιδείας και Πολιτισμού Κύπρου. Λαϊκή Τράπεζα Κύπρου, Προεδρικό Μέγαρο Κύπρου.

Fountdations: Kranidiotis, Lavrentiadis, Peratikos ,Petros Kyriakidis.

Collections: Michalakis Zambelas , Panaghiotis Yerolymatos ,Hyzioannou ,David, G P Savvidis and more in Greece Cyprus and outboard